Term Of Use

Last updated on November, 27th, 2023. 


The access to our website (Site) https://www.greenmoodorganics.com/ and the use of its content is based on the acceptance of the following terms and conditions (“Terms of use”, “Terms”). By visiting or accessing any part of our website, you agree to the Terms. They can be updated at any time without notice to you. We advise you to always consult the Terms of Use when accessing our website as well as the Privacy Policy (available HERE)


Green Mood Organic Products France owns the intellectual property rights and proprietary rights for the entire contents of the Site including, but not limited to, text, graphics, images, photographs, video clips, architecture, icons and audios. 

Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication, adaptation of any content from the Site, no matter how it is done, is forbidden, except if you get a written permission by Green Mood Organic Products France. 

Any unauthorized use of the Site or of its content will be considered as counterfeit or pirating and will be sued according to the French Intellectual Property Code in articles L.335-2.  


Green Mood Organic Products France can’t be liable for any direct or indirect damages caused to the user’s material that result from the use of the Site or materials on the Site.

Green Mood Organic Products France does not accept any liability regarding how the information and content of the Site might be used. 

Green Mood Organic Products France is committed to secure to the best of its ability the Site. However, it could not be held responsible if any undesired data is imported or installed on the Site without it being aware of it. 

Interactive spaces (« contact us » or « add a comment » parts) are available for users to come in contact with Green Mood Organic Products France. The company reserves the right to delete, without any formal notice, any content that has been added to these spaces in accordance with the French applicable law, specifically regarding provisions concerning data protection.

When necessary, Green Mood Organic Products France reserves the right to implicate the civil and/or criminal liability of the user, particularly in the case of any message with racist, pornographic, violent, abusive or any other subjects which are considered reprehensible by the law.


The CNIL, Commission Nationale Informatique & Libertés, is the French Data Protection Agency. 

In accordance with the provisions of the law la loi 78-17 du 6 janvier 1978 modifiée, any user of the Site has the right to access / modify or remove his/her/its personal data. To exercise that right, please email our Marketing Manager: Charlotte Lemaire – charlotte.lemaire@greenmoodorganics.com

For more information about personal data management, you can read our Privacy Policy https://www.greenmoodorganics.com/privacy


The Site may link to other websites operated by third parties. We assume no liability whatsoever about these third-party links and what could happen if the user visits those websites. 

The Site uses cookies and other tracking technologies. Cookies are small text files of information stored by the Internet browser on your computer’s hard drive. For example, cookies may be used to collect data about how you entered our website. 

You have the ability to accept or decline cookies by modifying the settings in your web browser. No cookie will be placed on your computer without your consent. 

Cookies are saved for up to 13 months maximum. 

To know more about our Cookies Privacy, consult: https://www.greenmoodorganics.com/cookies 


This website is governed by French law and any dispute shall be referred to the French courts in Paris, which shall have exclusive jurisdiction.